Five Things You Should Know About Personal Injury Cases
Being injured in an accident can be a very overwhelming and difficult time. In addition to the physical pain from an accident, you might also be strapped with lost wages and other stressors. Having a qualified attorney guiding you through the process is important as you navigate a personal injury claim.
An insurance company will take the claim more seriously if you have a lawyer – While insurance companies are not out to get the claimant, they certainly don’t want to hand over money if they don’t have to. A qualified personal injury lawyer is well aware of your legal rights when it comes to a personal injury claim. This means that quite often, items that an insurance company might overlook, a lawyer will be sure to include in your claim.
You need a lot of information to go forward with your claim – Insurance companies sometimes ask for medical records, medical releases, statements, examinations under oath, and an independent medical exam. Your attorney can compile the needed documents for you and help you navigate these potential pitfalls.
It will probably take longer than you think – It is common that a case is not settled while medical treatment is taking place. While your attorney will touch base to ensure that you are doing okay, monitor your progress, and make sure all your bills are being paid during your recovery, the case will most likely commence after all the facts are gathered.
Most cases don’t go to court – Because of the cost of a trial, most insurance companies do not want to go through the process. The only reason a trail typically occurs is if liability or negligence cannot be established or the insurance company will not provide an adequate settlement.
The final decision is yours – While your attorney will make recommendations on how to proceed with your case, ultimately the decision on how to move forward is yours. Your attorney should be acting in your best interest and should not force a settlement. If you do not trust your attorney to make appropriate recommendations, it is probably a good idea to seek another lawyer.
If you or someone you know has been injured because of the negligence of another person, contact the trusted attorneys at Skinner & Associates.
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